
It is a book which shows four generations in the family. The book can easily be divided into three parts each focusing on three different characters. Sidney has given vivid description to his characters. You feel every thing is happening right in front of your eyes.

The plot is full of suspense and thrill. We are introduced to Jamie Mcgregor who is an ambitious young guy. He has dreams to be rich and successful some day. He goes to Africa for digging and searching of diamonds. He meets a well known business men who cheats on him and betrays him. Jamie does not give up and decides to take revenge. With the help of Banda whose sister was a raped by the trader takes his revenge.

After destroying the trader he marries and has a son and a daughter by the daughter of that trader. Kate was Jamie's only child who survived as her elder brother died due to some business conflict. Jamie also dies within a year.

Kate is living with her mother and marries his father's best friend David. Kate takes over the business gradually. The business shows growth and progress because of the passion and great interest shown by Kate.

Kate gives birth to a boy Tony who dislikes her and constantly plans to take over the entire wealth. When she gets to know about his strategy she does everything to destroy his plans. The fight between the mother and son is very interesting.

Tony gets married and has twins named Eve and Alexandria, who posses opposite characters one is good and the other is bad. Eve tries to kill her sister on several occasions. Eventually they end up getting married to doctors, it is interesting read about two sisters who have totally different traits.

The story is sensational which makes you involved from the beginning to end. The ending may be a little disappointing for some readers. We meet Kate one more time at the end when she is still concerned about the heritance of the business. Her last hopes are from Robert, who is Alexandria's son.

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